(Japanese: 陳述書 平成13年3月26日、札幌地方裁判所 第一回口頭弁論)

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Plaintiff Olaf Karthaus Statement (English) (日本語
Plaintiff Kenneth Lee Sutherland Statement (English) (日本語
Plaintiff Arudou Debito Statement (English) (日本語

Olaf Karthaus (カートハウス オラフ)


 差別は友達の間に壁を作ります。Hokkaido International Schoolの生徒4人は一緒にある温泉に入りたかったのですが。結果は、日本国籍を持つ生徒は入れましたが、日本国籍を持っていない生徒は入れませんでした。









カートハウス オラフ

Olaf Karthaus
March 26, 2001
Sapporo District Court

(translated by the Plaintiff)

Discrimination builds walls in the society. Foreigners cannot have the same life and livelihood as the Japanese.

Discrimination builds up walls between friends. Four students of the Hokkaido International School wanted to enter an Onsen together. As it turned out, the Japanese nationals could enter, whereas the foreigners had to stay outside.

Not only in society and among friends, but even within a family walls are raised by discrimination.

On Sept. 19, 1999 I took my wife and my 3 children to Yunohana. It is painful to be rejected in front of one's own children. To hear the reason as "Papa is a foreigner, so that's why we cannot enter the onsen together and have a nice time" for sure has a big effect on the minds of my children. Even though my daughters could have entered with my wife, my 9 year old son Daniel, because he was with his father, could not enter. He came to Japan when he was two years old, speaks fluent Japanese and is in all ways a normal 4th grader. What kind of nasty things can such a small boy do? A normal person should be able to see the differences between a person who is causing trouble and a child. What reason could there be to refuse entry to a child?

Furthermore, I am a German national and thus am especially sensitive towards discrimination. In the Nazi era terrible acts of discrimination occurred. Of course this is in no way comparable to the Onsen problem, but I as a German have the responsibility to stop all kinds of discrimination. The phrase, "Beware of the Beginnings" ("Nip it in the bud") is the responsibility for Germans all over the world.

For 16 months I have been active to solve the Onsen-problem. Not only for my own good, but foremost for my children. But my son Daniel died last year in August. "Discrimination is bad. Even though it is hard, if you fight for a good cause, at the end, the good will prevail" was what I wanted to show my children. Daniel did not live to see any solution to this problem.

"Internationalization" is not just a catchphrase. Internationalization means to live together with people from other countries. In recognizing the differences, acknowledging that the other person is just a human being as I am.

The number of foreign marriages are increasing in Japan. The number of children who have a foreign parent will increase, too. Furthermore, due to the aging society, the number of immigrant workers will surely increase. In this situtation, are discriminators allowed to do anything? People who get discriminated have to resign? This "legal vacuum" situation cannot stay like this. If guidelines or laws against discrimination would exist, the present situation surrounding the onsens would not have occurred, in my opinion.

March 26, 2001 Olaf Karthaus

Kenneth Lee Sutherland (ケネス リー サザランド)

 私が子どもだった1960年代、住んでいたアメリカ南部のTexas州で、噴水の上に「Whites Only」という看板がありました。私の父はこの看板をはずすために強くクレームつけました。ですから、私には若いときから、こういう人種差別を許さないという気持ちがあるのです。

 日本にきたのは12年前です。日本で生活する上での習慣やマナーにはほとんど慣れています。しかし、1999年春、私と妻が小樽市の「オスパ」という温泉に入ろうとした時に断られました。 非常に心に傷を受けましたし、失望してしまいました。なぜかというと、僕は日本人と同じようにマナーを守るのに、皮膚や髪の色だけで拒否されたのです。

 その後、Internetで「オスパ」だけではなくて、北海道のいろいろなところで「Japanese Only」の看板がつけられているとわかってきました。それで出人やオラフの小樽市での活動を応援するようになりました。しかし、2000年末まで、この問題はほとんど解決に向けて進みませんでした。それで、私は12月23日、「湯の花」に入ろうとしましたが、やはり断られました。

 現在、湯の花が掲げている外国人の入場に関する4つの条件については、いろいろな問題があります。耳が聞こえない人(聾者)は日本語は理解できないという理由で、拒否するのでしょうか。アメリカから遊びに来る私の家族も「日本に1年以上滞在していない」という理由で拒否されるのでしょうか。基本的に外見で外国人に条件をつけるのは不公平です。これは、まぎれもなく「人種ハラスメント・人種 ハラ」だと思います。「湯の花」は、「Japanese Only」の看板は取りましたが、この4つの条件をかか掲げることでいま未だに人種差別をつづ続けているのです。

 温泉側は、従業員の生活の為に外国人をことわ断ると言っています。従業員の飯の為。 しかし、この論理によって、どこまでしていきますか?この件について、私達側が問題にしているのは「人権」で、「湯の花」側が問題にしているのはお金だと思います。人権とお金 はどちが大切なのでしょうか?お金の為に人権を無視してもいいのですか?


Kenneth Lee Sutherland
March 26, 2001
Sapporo District Court

(translated by the Plaintiff)

When I was a child in the 1960's, we lived in the Southern state of Texas. There was a drinking fountain with a "Whites Only" sign above it. My father fought strongly to have the sign taken down. So from a young age, I had the feeling that racial discrimination can not be tolerated.

I came to Japan 12 years ago. While living here, I have become accustomed with Japanese manners and customs. However, in the Spring of 1999, when I tried to enter with my wife an Onsen called "Osupa", I was refused. I felt extremely hurt, and disappointed. Why would I be refused, despite following manners as well as any Japanese, simply because of my skin and hair color.

Later, via the Internet, I found out that it wasn't only "Osupa", but various other places around Hokkaido were placing "Japanse Only" signs. I became a supporter for David and Olaf in their activities in Otaru City. However, by the end of 2000, there had been little progress toward a solution to this problem. So on December 23, I tried to enter "Yunohana", but was of course refused.

Currently, regarding the sign that "Yunohana" is displaying specifying four conditions for entry for foreigners, there are various problems. People who cannot hear (deaf) should be refused entry because they cannot speak
Japanese. My family from America should be refused because they have not lived in Japan for over one year. Basically, any conditions that are applied only to people of foreign appearance is unfair. This is unmistakably "Racial Harassment". "Yunohana" has removed it's "Japanese Only" sign, but by displaying these four conditions, racial discrimination is continuing.

According to the Onsen, they are refusing foreigners for the sake of the of their employees life styles. For their employees "bread". However, if you follow this logic, how far will they go? This problem can be broken down to us on one hand representing human rights and "Yunohana" on the other hand representing money. Which is more important, human rights or money? Is it acceptable to ignore human rights for the sake of money?

In the American South, human rights were set aside for the sake of economic efficiency. Yet history proves beyond doubt that this is wrong. If "Yunohana" or Otaru City think that they must refuse foreigners for
economic reasons, then they are wrong. Please refer to our histories (American and German). I would like to see this racial discrimination end at once.

菅原 有道出人
平成13年3月26日、札幌地方裁判所 第一回口頭弁論




 ひいては、国民・住民・納税者を守る義務について小樽市も非常に責任があります。「Japanese Only」の看板を挙げた入浴施設は平成6年からずっと小樽市内にあったのに、対応する姿勢を充分見せなかったと思います。それぞれの人権擁護団体と断られた家族が改善を要請しましたが、市は「民間会社だから看板を外させる権限はない」と片付けました。平成11年秋、この問題がマスコミで表面化した後、措置を検討する為に小樽市は「国際交流関連団体連絡会議」を2回開催しましたが、外国人の出席を断りました。よって、温泉関係者は出席出来ましたが、外国人は一人も居ませんでした。どうやって市が該当者、即ち差別を受けた人と相談せず適当な措置を取れるのかは分かりません。他の町なら、例えば「川崎市外国人市民代表者会議委員会」、外国人に対する問題の審議会を設けて条例を制定しました。小樽市はそこまでしません。それどころか、温泉と同じように外国人をシャットアウトする国際都市小樽市は「国際化」の意識が不足していると思います。



菅原 有道出人


March 26, 2001, Sapporo District Court House, Public Hearing Number One
(translated by the Plaintiff)

I would like to make a statement as one of the Plaintiffs in this case.

On September 9, 1999, when I went to Yunohana Onsen with my friends and family, I had a big shock. I was told "you can't come in here because you're a gaijin" in front of my children. For a while afterwards my kids said to their mother, "Is Daddy a baddie because he's a gaijin? Can we go anywhere with him now without being refused?". It became a family problem. Furthermore, when my wife asked the person in charge that day about our children, one of whom looks more Western than Japanese, the reply was "the foreign-looking one would be refused". For a parent this leaves a huge impression, and it made me start worrying whether the genes I had passed on to my daughters would ultimately limit their future in Japanese society.

On October 31, 2000, I went again to Yunohana Onsen as a naturalized Japanese citizen. However, I was refused entry once again because of my foreign features. I felt that since I had not actually broken any rules or manners, refusing me due to my outward appearance or race is racial discrimination. This cannot be allowed to happen in future in our country, Japan. Why? According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are over 30,000 international marriages every year in Japan. Assuming they live in Japan permanently and have two children each, this means eventually every year 60,000 new international children appear. 600,000 every decade. However, they will not be visible in statistics of registered foreigners because they have Japanese citizenship. This means that the outward appearance of Japanese is steadily changing, and their rights must be protected. Strictly speaking, under Yunohana's policy Miyazawa Rie would be let in, but Umemiya Anna would be stopped. This is why I, from the standpoint of a Japanese with foreign features, cannot let this pass.

Additionally, the City of Otaru has a heavy responsibility to protect its citizens, residents, and taxpayers. Signs on bathing facilities saying "Japanese Only" have been up in Otaru since 1994, but Otaru's response has been insufficient. Several human rights groups and excluded families have over the duration demanded action, but the City simply said, "these are private businesses so we cannot force the signs to come down". When this issue came to the fore via the media in Autumn, 1999, Otaru convened two meetings of a "Group of International Associations", yet refused any foreigner's attendance. Consequently, representatives of the bathhouses were allowed to attend but never a non-Japanese. I don't understand how the City can create effective policy without the input of those affected, namely those discriminated against. In other cities, such as at Kawasaki's Representative Assembly for Foreign Residents, problems involving non-Japanese are taken up and ordinances passed. Not in Otaru, where the City, like the onsen, shuts out foreigners. I think "International City Otaru" has very little awareness of what "internationalization" is.

Moreover, Otaru's proposed "enlightenment" policies (keihatsu) have been insufficient. First, Otaru produced some flyers outlining bathing rules to be delivered to Russian sailors. However, the City only made 4000 of them for a port which receives 30,000 Russians a year, and handed them out only once, in December 1999. Otaru made a 24-hour hotline in case of trouble, but never released the numbers to the general public. They also refused to honor our request that the City sponsor a forum to discuss this problem. A proposal from the City for a "Human Rights Convocation" for August 2000 was never put into effect. The City refused to draft any anti-discrimination ordinance, and the one proposed by human rights groups in January 2000 was buried in City committee. The City's unwillingness to implement assistance or follow through on measures violates the UN Convention on Racial Discrimination. Otaru's averting its eyes for so many years from racial discrimination within its jurisdiction is also something I cannot let stand.

I hope that a decision in this case will make it clear that in Twenty-First Century Japan, "Racial Discrimination is not something to be done or let done".