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Hi Blog. I’m happy to announce that more than a year after writing my piece within (and what with major disasters in Japan naturally setting back the publication date), FODOR’S has just released their JAPAN Guide, 20th Edition (of which I got a copy yesterday, thanks!).
I was privileged to be allowed to write their Section on Hokkaido, so if you can’t get enough of my writing, get yourself a copy!
Scans of the cover, Table of Contents, and my opening essay on what’s so nice about Hokkaido are below. Enjoy! Arudou Debito
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5 comments on “Debito writes the Hokkaido Section in FODOR’S Guidebook on Japan, 20th Edition, out now”
Very pleased for you that you were given the opportunity to do this.
Glad to have passed the torch to you! I look forward to doing a stand-and-read in the bookshop soon 🙂
— Thanks for referring me!!
Is it too late for an edit to Hokkaidō?
I bought a previous guide on Tōkyō just because I was impressed on the spelling.
Others may disagree, but it makes me sick to the stomach to read without macrons.
Yep, I agree, macrons are essential.
I’ve heard Japanese folks say, “Macrons aren’t needed: you foreigners don’t need to ‘nobasu’ vowel lengths correctly.”
The truth is, it’s absolutely necessary to “nobasu” vowel lengths correctly: in speaking, thus in writing furigana, thus in writing rōmaji.
Writing Hokkaidō incorrectly as Hokkaido is similar to writing it incorrectly as Hokaido. Writing the pronunciation correctly is important.
Anyway, beautiful summary Debito, congrats. I am reminded of your 1999 cycletrek all around the beautiful island:
Fodor’s took a chance on the one-and-only brazen AD? Well done, Sirrah!