Hi Blog. In Tokyo doing some finishing touches on our forthcoming book. Here are some things we can announce now: the book cover, advance reviews, and a nationwide book tour March 15 to April 1:
Japan’s biggest human rights publisher Akashi Shoten will publish my third book (first two are here), coauthored with Akira Higuchi. Table of contents follow after advance book review, cover image, and quick notice of the book tour:
Advance book reviews:
“Higuchi and Arudou’s HANDBOOK promises to be the second passport for foreigners in Japan. It provides a map to navigate the legal, economic, and social mazes of contemporary Japanese life. Practical and affordable, clear and concise, the Handbook should contribute not only to a better life for newcomers to Japan but also to a more humane society in Japan.”
–Dr John Lie, Dean of International and Area Studies, University of California Berkeley, and author of MULTIETHNIC JAPAN.
“Finally, the book I always wished I had, explaining in clear and precise language the legal labyrinths that make life interesting and sometimes treacherous for non-Japanese trying to find their way in Japan. This is the A-Z what to watch out for and how to do it guide that will help all non-Japanese living in Japan. Whether it is visas, workers’ rights, starting a business, pensions, naturalizing, divorcing, etc. this is essential reading. For non-Japanese this is truly a godsend, but even better the entire text is bilingual so Japanese who have extensive dealings with non-Japanese can also better understand the rules of the game and avoid mishandling what can be difficult situations. I can think of no other book that comes close in promoting mutual understanding, one that is grounded in the law and brimming with practical advice.”
–Jeff Kingston, Director of Asian Studies, Temple University Japan
(semifinalized cover, click to see full image)
Arudou Debito will be traveling around Japan during the latter half of March 2008 to promote his co-authored new book. If you’d like him to drop by your area for a speech, please be in touch with him at (This way travel expenses are minimalized for everyone.)
Tentative schedule follows, subject to change with notice on this blog entry.
March 15-23, Tokyo/Tohoku area.
Sat March 15 7PM FRANCA Speech Sendai Fukushi Plaza #2 Kenkyuushitsu) (FIXED)
Sun March 16 5PM National Union of General Workers Tokyo Nambu HQ, Shinbashi, Tokyo (FIXED)
Mon March 17 Roppongi Bar Association (being finalized)
Tues March 18 6:30-8:30 PM, Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, Tokyo BOOK BREAK (FIXED)
Weds March 19, 7:30-9:30 PM Amnesty International Tokyo Group 78 Meeting (FIXED)
Fri March 21, 7PM, An evening with Debito, Kamesei Ryokan, Nagano (FIXED)
Sat March 22 Noon Lunch with Debito, Kamesei Ryokan, Nagano, Sponsored by 千曲(ちくま)市国際交流協会 (FIXED)
Sun March 23 6:30 PM Good Day Books Tokyo Ebisu (FIXED)
March 24-April 1, Kansai/Chubu area.
Tues March 25, FRANCA Speech Osaka (being finalized)
Thurs March 27, Speech at Shiga University (FIXED)
Fri March 28 Speech in JALT Kobe 5PM (FIXED)
Sat March 29, afternoon, Speech in Wakayama (being finalized)
Sat March 29, evening, Speech for JALT Osaka (FIXED)
Sun March 30, Speech at JALT Okayama 2-4 PM (FIXED)
Tues April 1, Speech in Fukuoka (being finalized)
Due back in Sapporo by April 2, so three weeks on the road. Interested? Please drop him a line at
More information on the contents of the book at
See you at one of the venues! Please consider buying a book? Thanks for reading. Arudou Debito in Tokyo
6 comments on “Advance reviews for forthcoming HANDBOOK FOR NEWCOMERS, MIGRANTS, AND IMMIGRANTS, by Akira Higuchi and Arudou Debito”
Excellent; I was just exploring the regulations surrounding the National Health Insurance and National Pension in contrast to the Employee’s Health Insurance and Employee Pension. Any possibility of Kagoshima University? I’ll try to head up to Fukuoka.
–I’ve got a speech in Miyazaki on April 24. Perhaps get me over to KU sometime after then?
I’m checking the possibilities as we speak.
Is this book for English speakers?
It’s in English and furigana Japanese, so it’ll be for people who can read English or Japanese. We hope someday to get the book out in other languages…
I’ll definitely be buying a copy. Any prospect of signed copies? 😉
–You kidding? Of course! I sign all the copies I sell via or at speeches! Ordering details to follow, watch this space!
Thanks for the interest! Come to one of the book breaks during the tour and we’ll have supply meet demand! Debito
Congrats on finishing the book. Hope you can soon get some much-needed r&r.
R&R? Not likely! My column at the Japan Times starts March 4, and I’ve got to get ready for the Book Tour next month… No rest for the wicked…
By the way, did you get my email about that request for an interview?
–Sure did. Replied to it Feb 13. Resent the reply tonight. Debito