Hi Blog. Just another quick word to say I finished my Golden Week Cycletrek 2008, 621 kms in six days. Cycled Kyushu Miyazaki to Nobeoka to Saiki, then ferry over to that funny little peninsula in Shikoku (all sinew and mountains, wanted to see if I could do it) to Ikata to Matsuyama to Shimanami Kaidou to Onomichi to Tomonoura to Fukuyama to Kurashiki. All safe, save mild sunburn, scrapes, mosquito bites, and some dehydration, with the best weather I’ve ever experienced on any Cycletrek (see reports on the old ones here)–temperate temperatures and no rain the whole way.
I’ll be back to blogging in earnest by May 7, when my next JUST BE CAUSE column comes out in the Japan Times (Tues May 6 in Tokyo, May 7 elsewhere). Thanks as always for reading. Arudou Debito in Kurashiki