Hi Blog. Passing this on from Kawakami Sonoko at Amnesty International Tokyo. Arudou Debito
Public Seminar on June 21
Countdown to the Beijing Olympics
– Increased crackdown of Journalists and Writers in China-
Date: Saturday 21 June 2008
Time: 14:30〜17:00
Guest: Dr. Zhang Yu (Secretary-general of Writers in Prison Committee Independent Chinese PEN Center)
At: Harmonic Hall (Shinjuku-ku, Nishi Shinjuku 7-21-20, Kankokyo bldg. B1F )
(10-min-walk from JR Shinjuku Station, West exit,Go straight Oume Kaido, and
take right at the corner of Hokushin Bank.)
Admission: 1000yen (500yen for student)
Contact: Amnesty International Japan Tokyo Office for your reservation
TEL. 03-3518-6777 FAX. 03-3518-6778
(lecture/Q&A language: English)
Dr. Zhang Yu talks about censorship and media freedoms in China
Liu Jingmin, Vice-President of the Beijing Olympic Bid Committee, said in 2001 that allowing Beijing to host the Games would “help the development of human rights”. Seven years on, China’s human rights record shows little sign of improvement.
China operates arguably one of the most complex Internet censorship regimes in the world. Chinese Internet users are denied information on human rights, democracy, world politics and national history. Information contradicting government policy is not acceptable online. Internet users pushing these barriers are subject to surveillance, arrest, detention and torture. Internet censorship is a violation of freedom of expression, information and association.
Amnesty invites Dr. Zhang Yu to give a speech on the Chinese authorities’ intense controls over journalists, novelists and activists. Dr. Zhang Yu is an associate of Mr. Shi Tao who was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment due to exercising his human right to freedom of expression peacefully on the Internet.
Organized by: Amnesty International Japan
2-2-4F Kanda-nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0054