
Hi Blog. Just wanted to call your attention to a conference this coming weekend at Seisen University, Tokyo. The Peace as a Global Language Conference. I’ve been to (and spoken at) more than half the conferences since they started earlier this decade, and I think they’ll be worth your time.
Sat Sep 27, 11AM-11:50, Peace as a Global Language Conference 2008: Arudou Debito speaks on ”NJ: From Visitor to Resident”, Seisen University, Tokyo. More details:
7th Annual Conference
Peace as a Global Language
September 27-28, 2008
‘Imagining Ourselves in a World of Peace!‘
Seisen University,
Tokyo, Japan
Welcome to the website for the 7th Annual Peace as a Global Language Conference. We are delighted once again to be invited back to Seisen University – the third time that the conference has been held in this location.
PGL conferences began in 2002, and have quickly become an established part of the yearly calendar for students, teachers and activists. We encourage anyone interested in the following areas to join us as presenters, participants or conference volunteers.
- peace
- the environment
- human rights
- global issues
- intercultural communication
- values,
- health
- gender
- media literacy,
- foreign language education focusing on global issues.
The theme of this year’s conference will be:
Imagining Ourselves in a World of Peace!
Please do join us in celebrating PGLVII and share in the joy of contributing to peace and the advancement of global studies.
Presentation Schedule 2008
Sat. Sep.27
9:00- Registration
9:30-9:45 Opening
- Human Rights
- Presenter: Matthew Sanders (Room.1)
- Break through of that Critical Barrier…Peace Education
- Presenters: Hanaoka, Kusube (English/Japanese) (Room.2)
- Poetry and Pedagogy
- Presenter: Hugh Nicoll (Room.3)
- Presumptous Pronouns: Examining Our Way of Life
- Presenter: Philip Adamek (Room.1)
- From Visitor to Resident
- Presenter: Arudou Debito (Room 2)
- Hidden Language: Hatha Yoga (M Lounge)
- Presenter: Moira Izatt (Room 3)
12:00-12:50 Lunch Break (with poster sessions) for both days
Poster session I
- “Perigo Minas!” – Taking a Stand at Our School Festival
- Presenter: Kirk Johnson and students from Kanda University of International Studies
13.00-14.50: Keynote I
Peace Boat: Sailing for a New World
Tatsuya Yoshioka
- Stereotypes Everywhere
- Presenter: Nicholas Degrego (Room 1)
- Gender and Japanese Language”
- Presenter: Barry Kavanagh (English/Japanese) (Room 2)
- EFL Topics with Tibet
- Presenters: Itoi, Inose (English/Japanese) (Room 3)
- Using Cross-Cultural Idioms and Literature to Introduce Peace Studies”
- Presenter: Charles Montgomery (Room 4)
- The Global Nine Campaign” (English/Japanese)
- Presenters: Meri Joyce and others (Room 5)
- Danger: Patriotism
- Presenter: John Spiri (Room 1)
- Combining Peace Education with Business English
- Presenter: Anthony Torbert (Room 2)
- Global Issues in EFL around the World”
- Am I Japanese or American?
- Presenter: Yujiro Shimogori (Room 4)
- The PGL 2007 Conference: A Report on the PGL Committe-Student-University Staff Collaboration
- Presenters: Craig Smith, Yuiki Takenoshita, Junichiro Kawaguchi, and Albie Sharpe
17:30-19:30 PARTY!
Sun. Sep.28
9:00- Registration
- Using Student Activation and Social Awareness
- Presenter: Kirk Johnson (Room 1)
- Rm.2 The Wiki As A Collaborative Tool for teaching Global Issues
- Presenters: Daniel Douglas, Barbara Stein
- Promoting International Understanding through Asian Youth Forum
- Presenter: Kip Cates (Room 1)
- Using Songs in Language Class for a Global Understanding
- Presenter: Mercedes Castro Yague (Room 2)
- Support freedom of speech on NORTH-WEST of the Russia
- Presenter: Rebrov Alexei (Room 3)
- Citizens Initiatives for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education with an ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) Perspective”
- Presenters: Kazuya Asakawa / Motohiko Nagaoka (Room 4)
12:00-12:50 Lunch Break (with poster sessions) for both days
Poster session II
- War Violence in the Media
- Presenter: Josef Messerkliger
13:00-14:50: Keynote II
“Yasukuni” Documentary
directed by Li Ying
- Panel Discussion on Yasukuni (Room 1)
- Daitobunka University Education Dept. Fujita (Room 2)
- Peace Pilgrim (Video & talk)
- Presenter: Charles Kowalski (Room 3)
- Art, social responsibility and activism
- Presenter: Jane Joritz-Nakagawa (Room 4)
- Light from the Shadows, Hiroshima Nagasaki Film
- Presenter: Robert Kowalczyk (Room 1)
- Daitobunka University British & American Literature
- 2 graduate students (Room 2)
- Peace Pilgrim (Video & talk)
- Presenter: Charles Kowalski (Room 3)
- “Video message project building a bridge between the Philippines and Japan”
- Presenter: Naoko Jin(BRIDGE FOR PEACE) (Room 4)
More details, including information on how to get there, at