An administrative note for those who have noticed that as of today has “gone electric” (a paean to the time when Bob Dylan used an electric guitar at one of his concerts, much to the consternation to the acoustic folk-music fans who thought Dylan had betrayed his roots), by instituting Google advertising on the blog.
In the more than ten years since I created, I have never run this blog or website for profit. Donations have always been welcome, but financial exigencies have brought me to the point where I have added a Google AdSense text button above the search engine. I have taken care to make the ad button small, text-only, and relatively unobtrusive.
My apologies for this. But I held out as long as I could, and have worked very hard to make what it is over the years. I’d like to see some return on my investment, however small. Or even just break even somehow for the costs of running it. Thanks very much, everyone, for your support. I hope to keep this blog helpful to the non-Japanese communities in Japan.
Arudou Debito in Osaka
PS: You can also support by buying some of our books and t-shirts, if you want…
2 comments on “ “goes electric””
Hardly a betrayal. I’m surprised you haven’t caved to a sponsor by now; they must be knocking.
Go ahead and run more ads. They don’t bother me, and you deserve the money.