Accenture, producer of NJ fingerprinting machines, is hiring in Japan, thru Tiger Woods!


Hi Blog. Accenture ( formerly the crooked and now defunct Arthur Andersen, accounting firm and book-cooker for Enron), is riding the wave of its cheap bid to build Japan’s biometric machines by expanding its operations in Japan! As reader Leslie writes:


Saw this ad in the subway yesterday. Seems Accenture, the offshore company with the contract to collect biometric data on foreigners in Japan, is hiring!

(Click on image to expand in your browser)

I am also astounded that foreigners arriving in Japan and refusing to give MOJ/Accenture their data will now officially have physical force used against them to force the extraction of the personal data. Nightmarish. Leslie

The profiteering never stops from companies like these, especially when the GOJ is under pressure from the local hegemon to contribute to the war effort (plus, buying American sure helps). Perhaps Tiger Woods, pictured in the advertisement, would enjoy being treated as a potential terrorist and criminal next time he comes for a round of golf in Miyazaki?

See more about Accenture’s involvement in the biometric data market on here. Arudou Debito in Tokyo

14 comments on “Accenture, producer of NJ fingerprinting machines, is hiring in Japan, thru Tiger Woods!

  • And for good measure he could get thrown out of a few stores or restaurants for not being Japanese/ being African-American.

    But as for fingerprinting, I’m sure those hypocritical guys in government would “make an exception” for someone rich and famous.
    Sure wish we could get some “celebrities” over here to go through the regular lines and publicize their experiences.

  • Yes, so Asashoryu returns to Japan on 30th. It’ll be interesting to see if he’ll also be subject to the degrading fingerprinting terrorist “measures”. Or will they be so overawed by the big man that they’ll just quietly usher him out of immigration through a side door I wonder?? And what happens when all the Hollywood lovelies come to publicise their latest and greatest??

  • Perhaps it would be worth contacting Tiger Woods, through the agency that sells his likeness to complain that he’s advertising for a company that is directly involved in these new draconian measures that he himself would be subject to if arriving without fanfare.

    The Interntational Management Group (IMG)
    1 Erieview Plaza
    Cleveland OH 44114

  • Surely the problem with the Tiger Woods or Hollywood Lovelies suggestions above is that they are from America, where foreign visitors are also subject to the same entry requirement. What is really needed is a high profile Re-entry Permit holder. As John G suggests, Asashoryu is a high profile figure, but in such a poor light with the Japanese press and establishment that perhaps the last thing he wants to do is to refuse to be fingerprinted. Perhaps a former major League baseballer playing in Japan (and with a Re-entry Permit) would be a better candidate?

  • Mark in Yayoi says:

    Tony, Tuffy Rhodes would be a good choice. He’s been playing in Japan for ten years and thus is no longer subject to the rules limiting the number of foreign players on the roster.

    “The league has accepted me, the Buffaloes have accepted me, the fans have accepted me… but the government hasn’t.”

    And he’s paid in a *lot* more tax money than any of us have!

  • Aceface says:

    “Asashoryu is a high profile figure, but in such a poor light with the Japanese press and establishment that perhaps the last thing he wants to do is to refuse to be fingerprinted. ”

    Asasyouryu does have good relation with Japanese establishment.He is simply disliked by ordinary sumo fans for lying and countless ungentlemanly manners.

    I’m a Japanese national married to a Mongolian.I happened to know that Asasyouryu’s father is a retired officer from Mongolian version of KGB called General Intelligence Agency along with being a Mongolian wrestler.Not exactly a type of crusading against fingerprinting,I think.

    “Perhaps a former major League baseballer playing in Japan (and with a Re-entry Permit) would be a better candidate? ”

    But wouldn’t you think a former major leaguer can also be an American?

  • Mark in Yayoi says:

    If no one knows him personally, I’ll write to him in care of the Orix Buffaloes. I have been one of his biggest fans ever since he hit three home runs against Dwight Gooden in the 1994 opener.


  • Accenture has recruited via subway ads, magazines, job fairs, and other typical hiring channels in Japan for years–I don’t see any connection between its development/sales of biometric systems and this ad. They have dozens of lines of business–most of them IT consulting-related–and any one or more of them could be driving their need for a ramp-up in staffing.

    While I’m all for holding corporations responsible for their actions–specific and, sometimes, indirect–looking for conspiracy under every rock takes the focus off of the real issues, and the real threats.

  • “Surely the problem with the Tiger Woods or Hollywood Lovelies suggestions above is that they are from America, where foreign visitors are also subject to the same entry requirement.”

    Not really, because I think the U.S. can legitimately not fingerprint people who are officially working in the States. So if Jude Law, say, goes to the States for a movie he will have been granted a work permit. This exemption is nowhere in the Japanese case.

    I mentioned Tiger Woods weeks ago and thought that this is the way forward. Be in no doubt that nobody cares about the issue because the lives of a few foreigners are not really of concern to most Japanese. To quote Fake Kazu [Kazutomo Miyamoto]:

    So you foreigners who think you can mobilize the Japanese population to stop us fingerprinting, get a clue. This is a population whose response to their own misery is: nothing. Do you honestly think they give a fuck about you? Try it. Grab a random citizen of the street, and ask him what he thinks about the fingerprinting policy, and he’ll say: “Shikata ga nai“. Guaranteed.

    The ONLY way that this is going to make news is when it affects very high profile people – very as in Michael Schumacher, Tiger Woods etc. Everything is image and marketing nowadays and to be fingerprinting all the F1 race drivers, teams, is going to be hugely embarrassing. Demonstrations and all that are worthy but won’t work – they are preaching to the converted. Yomiuri won’t report it etc. But you can be sure as hell that if Tiger Woods gets fingerprinted that it’ll make news.

  • Why not contact the head of Accenture Japan, Chikatomo HODO, and let Mr. Hodo know what a great job you think he’s doing?

    —- forwarded message —-

    The head of Accenture Japan is Chikatomo Hodo aka Chikatomo K. Hodo:

    ( )
    程近智(ほど・ちかとも)氏 1960年7月31日生まれ。神奈川県出身。82年に米スタンフォード大学工学部を卒業し,アクセンチュアに入社。91年に米コロンビア大学経営大学院で MBAを取得。95年にパートナーに就任。その後,eコマース推進コアチームリーダー,ビジネス・ローンチ・センター長を経て2000年に戦略グループ統括パートナー。01年に通信・ハイテク本部通信業統括パートナーを兼務,03年に通信・ハイテク本部統括本部長。05年9月に代表取締役,06年 4月に代表取締役社長に就任した。現在も通信・ハイテク本部統括本部長を兼務する。趣味は温泉旅行,史跡巡り,ゴルフ。

    設立 : 1995年12月
    資本金 : 非公開
    売上高 : 非公開
    従業員数 : 約2500人(2006年2月時点)
    事業概要:コンサルティング最大手。経営だけでなく,情報システムやアウトソーシング分野にも強みを持つ。全世界で約13万人の人材を抱える。NGNの構築, MVNO(仮想移動体通信事業者)のビジネスやシステム面を支援するサービスなども手がけ,世界の主要な通信事業者とパイプを持つ。

    And he may be reached at
    ( )

    —- end of message —-

  • Accenture’s Corporate Lies

    Accenture, once the consulting arm of defunct accounting firm Arthur Anderson (of Enron fame) is the system integrator for the fingerprint system. The actual fingerprint machines are made by other companies (some news reports list Fujitsu, Omron and NEC).

    Accenture’s Corporate Principles include the following feel-good statement:

    “Inclusion and Diversity
    Building, maintaining and expanding an inclusive culture is central to Accenture’s ongoing success. We sponsor programs that encourage understanding and tolerance according to race, age, gender, sexual preference and faith.”

    I guess Accenture also sponsors programs that discourage understanding and tolerance.


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