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Hi Blog. Here’s the last comic for the holidays, thanks for reading. We’ll end with a sweet one. “Lile Lizard” (I think it’s a name, not a misspelling of “little”), a reptilian reprise of Adam and Eve, rendered by me aged seven in Second Grade. Created by god, Lile offers us a story with marriage, babies, family values, and even a mate sent by air mail! I think the note it ends on is a good way to finish the year. We’ll get back to the nitty-gritty hardcore human rights issues tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for reading daily blog as it rounds off its fifth year in operation. Comments follow comic.
NOTES: The cover still demonstrates I’m in my phase of putting funny faces on things in the sky, in this case a cloud, accompanied by a spider who can defy perspective. Looking at the renderings of Lile as the comic went on, I don’t think the cover lizard was drawn by me. The head, tongue, and left arm were probably added by awful fusspot art teacher at the time Miss Gee, who had temper tantrums at the kids if they didn’t draw things her way. She would do things like hold people’s artwork up in front of a whole class of grade schoolers as examples of what not to do, and give them a public dressing-down (get her to a psychiatrist, someone!). I think I completed the right arm, hind legs, and back spine afterwards.
Also telling of Miss Gee’s control freakiness is the cover’s original title (pencil erasers didn’t seem to work back then), which looks like “Mike mossicq”, perhaps my attempt to tell a story about a mosquito. There is one on the cover, but then the metaphorical Lizard-Queen-cum-art teacher comes in and eats him, and hijacks the story. I guess I thought I better tell the rest of the story sweetly to avoid Miss Gee’s wrath. (Besides, mosquitoes are harder to draw, not to mention spell!)
Also, I like how god has some sort of halogen flare (not merely a halo) over his hat, not to mention the electrifying powers of Zeus. And the globe of the world below him shows quite clearly the Old Faithful geyser, which I had seen back in August 1970. Also, I like on the “falling in love” page how the air-mail pigeon returns to Heaven in the clouds as god seems to be watching TV. Enjoy. Arudou Debito
2 comments on “Last End-Year Tangent: “Lile Lizard”, written Second Grade aged seven, includes procreation!”
World’s First Airmail Bride. 🙂
Brrrrr…Miss Gee…I just got a chill. I remember she used to roll her cart of crafts into the room. God forbid you ate the paste too!