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Hi Blog. Dovetailing with yesterday’s post regarding two Japanese who were finally declared innocent 44 years after being suspected, then convicted, of a crime (spending 30 years behind bars for it), here’s why Japan’s criminal justice system is particularly dangerous when it comes to non-Japanese.
Niconico News cites a former prosecutor who said his training was to deny human rights to organized crime members and foreign suspects.
Level3, Mark in Yayoi, and Sora amend an original translation, featured below. More commentary follows the translation:
Stunning revelation from former prosecutor on the real situation of initial training, “We were taught that yakuza and foreigners have no rights”
Niconico News, May 23, 2011 (updated May 31, 2011)
The chief prosecutor in the Saga City Agricultural Co-op case, now known to be a frame-up, spoke at a symposium held in Tokyo on May 23, 2011, offering a revealing discussion of the surprising reality of the training he received when he joined his department. “We were taught that yakuza and foreigners have no human rights,” he disclosed, and “public prosecutors were taught to make up confessions and then have suspects sign them.” Describing how terrifying this warped training system is, he added that “after being trained in that way, [he] began to almost believe that this was natural.”
The person making the statements about his erstwhile workplace was former public prosecutor Hiroshi Ichikawa. Appointed to handle the 2000 Saga City Agricultural Co-op case, he coerced a confession from the former union leader that he was interrogating, using violent language such as “Bastard! I’ll kill you!” The union leader had been indicted on suspicion breach of trust. His confession was deemed not to have been voluntary, and he was acquitted. As a result, Mr. Ichikawa was severely reprimanded and resigned his post as public prosecutor.
Mr. Ichikawa took the podium as a panelist at the symposium
“Prosecution, Public Opinion, and False Convictions,” sponsored by the Graduate School of Communications at Meiji University. “I have done things that no public prosecutor should do,” he said. “I want to tell the truth about how it is that a prosecutor could say such things.” This was a shocking statement.
Mr. Ichikawa was appointed to the Yokohama District Public Prosecutor’s Office in 1993. He said that in his first year, a superior prosecutor taught him that “yakuza and foreigners have no human rights.” Describing his experiences, he mentioned that that superior said, “Foreigners don’t understand Japanese, so you can use whatever threatening language you like if it’s in Japanese.” The same superior also said that when investigating one foreign suspect, he held a pointed awl in front of the suspect’s face and shouted abuse at the suspect in Japanese. “‘That’s how you get them to confess,’ the superior said.”
In his third year, a superior taught him how to obtain a confession; this consisted of the prosecutor taking a document filled with whatever the prosecutor chose to say, threatening the suspect with it, and obtaining the suspect’s signature. What if the suspect refused to sign? “If the suspect resisted, my boss said, I should say that the document was my [investigation], not his [confession form],” said Mr. Ichikawa.
“As I continued to be educated this way, I began to think that these methods were natural. By my eighth year, I was saying things I definitely shouldn’t have; the [Saga] case resulted in an acquittal, and I ended up quitting.”
Mr. Ichikawa quit his post in 2005 and is currently practicing as an attorney. On May 22, the day before the symposium, he drew attention by offering a televised apology to the family of the union head that he had verbally mistreated, appearing on the TV Asahi program “The Scoop – Special”. This Meiji University symposium was also broadcast on Nico Nico Douga, where Mr. Ichikawa explained why he made these statements in public: “I think it is my role now to tell about what I have seen and heard in order to atone for the terrible mistakes I have made.”
COMMENT: Good that this came out, and bravo for Mr. Ichikawa. Mark in Yayoi offers the best comment by looking at the Twitter reactions to this article (also reproduced below), where a number of posters sought to justify the status quo. In Mark’s words:
“The Twitter comments that follow it are dispiriting — nobody seems to notice the fundamental incongruousness of discussing members of a criminal organization and people who happen to have different nationalities in the same breath. And then there are the other commenters who support the idea of certain people not having human rights. Others claim that foreign embassies should be the ones to guarantee the rights of immigrants. They miss the fundamental meaning of ‘human’ rights: rights are inherent aren’t handed down by the government! The government can restrict certain people’s rights, but the default state is not ‘zero rights’.”
That is very insightful about the public awareness and understanding of human rights in Japan, including at the highest levels of law enforcement. Bear this in mind in future discussions. Arudou Debito in Sapporo.
「ヤクザと外国人に人権はないと教えられた」 元検事が暴露した驚くべき「新人教育」の実態
NCN 2011年5月23日(月), courtesy lots of people, but especially Fucked Gaijin
2005年に検事をやめ、現在は弁護士として活動している市川氏。シンポジウムの前日の22日には、テレビ朝日系の報道番組「ザ・スクープ スペシャル」で、かつて暴言を吐いた元組合長の家族に謝罪する様子が放映され、話題を呼んだ。ニコニコ動画でも中継された明大のシンポジウムでは「大変な過ちを犯したつぐないとして、私が見てきたことや聞いてきたことを伝えていくのが、私の役割ではないかと考えた」と、公の場で証言した理由を述べた。
[ニコニコニュース]記事内の元検事・市川寛氏による発言 全文書き起こし(1)
[ニコニコニュース]記事内の元検事・市川寛氏による発言 全文書き起こし(2)
[ニコニコ生放送]元検事・市川寛氏の「新人教育」実態暴露から視聴 – 会員登録が必要
- @Engravingkira02売国奴と糞チョンに人権はないの間違いじゃなくて?
- @WH04HLいつの間にこんなフォーラムやってたんだ、と思ったら情コミか。法学部にもアナウンスしてくれたら見に行ったのに・・・
- @lenawashこういうことが正々堂々と行われてる中でよく死刑を認められるんだね。
- productまあヤクザに人権はいらないなw
- @riagyoちから と かね が すべてです それ いがいは なんの いみも ありません
- @wkwk2500今さら何しても免罪符にはならない。先輩がどうとか関係無いですから。
- @help_99最初から色眼鏡か?
- @rietmm「外国人って行っても特定の国だろうなwww」今はそうかもしれんが昔はなぁ
- @than25先輩にこういう価値観を植え付けられたのでこうなりました?それでいいと思ってるの?元々そういう人間だとしか思えん…
- @yuki_takamori正論ではどうにもならないことがある。この元検事の意見は正しいし間違いだ。
- @hoshimorisubaru犯罪者の国籍見たら外国人にむかつくのは分かる。犯罪者の人権を擁護しようとする議論に持っていこうとするのはどうなんだろうか。
- @babanred外国人って行っても特定の国だろうなwww
- @hakutyuumu検察ってこわいな。
- @kakusanheiki外国人犯罪が多いなか鵜呑みにする人間がいるの?そっちのほうが怖いんだけど。因みに日本で起きてる事件の8割が外人関与
- @hirossann1行政の人に知り合いがいるんだが、その人によると行政から見れば警察は『たかり』だと言っていたのを思い出した。
- @harudrr66他人に迷惑をかけていてそれに気が付いていない人間に人権を与える必要があるのか。
- @Angelan_HKこの国の刑法や、他人の人権を守れない人間は、人権あるない以前に、普通に犯罪者だから。
- @milk_mia極論過ぎるけどそういう認識も間違ってはいないでしょ、リスクの統計取れば、そう身構える割合高くなるだろうしね。
- @lm767この手の記事が新聞に載る日は来るだろうか?
- @akisugarはいはい。実際には外国人(の多くを占める東アジア出身者)の人権は過剰に保護されてるけどね。日本人よりもね。
- @johan1414g893に人権なんて与えたくない、日本に害のある外人(日本人になりすましてる奴らも)にも日本国内での人権なんてやる必要ない。
- @absent_mindedneやくざに人権が必要だっていうの?
- @OPUSKENヤクザと外国人(シナ、朝鮮人)に人権が無いのは当たり前
- @fullbocco_bokkoいや、その教えは正しい。ただし「冤罪でない」という一言が入る
- @hibiiikagenいや、ヤクザに関しては本当に人権が無くていい
- @samxxchihまぁ、人権以前に、日本語普通にできる外国人としてその先輩と上司が言ってることは喧嘩売ってるしか思えないなヽ(`⌒´♯)ノ
- @alan_mai外国人は極論だと思うけど893に人権はないには大賛成!
- @nagamatsu88市川さんの言ってることもわかるけど「ヤクザと外国人に人権はない」とまでは言わないがそれに近い考え方はありと思う!駄目?!
- @yukianpanまあ外人だからって甘くみるのは間違っている
- @ninjajournalistよくカミングアウトしたなー。それにしても検察は恐ろしい。
- @SANNGATUUSAGINO昨日から、TLに検察の文字が並んでいたのはこのことなのね。RT@shinichiroinaba……。
- @mo198112ヤクザにはなくていいな。 RT @shinichiroinaba: ……。
- @shinichiroinaba……。
- @syokenngorosiこの発言をする勇気はすごいと思うが、外人はともかくヤクザは罵倒してもいいとおもうが。
- @Gabicyouワーオ!RT@unbalance_x @yuuzarmeiがリツイート「ヤクザと外国人に人権はないと教えられた」 元検事が暴露した驚くべき「新人教育」の実態 一般市民でもそう思ってる奴は多そうである。
- @FPS5不法外国人と罪人の人権が著しく制限されるのは当然のことだろ
- @gallu検察屋さんの面目躍如 B-p :
- @tomystina日本国に属しない者(母国に利する者)や反社会的勢力に温情を持って対応しろと教育されてる方が逆に怖いだろ。基本はかくあるべし
- @Meilin23外国人だからといって甘く見るような流れになるのはいかがなものか。犯罪をしに来日する輩もいないわけではないしな。
- @Miki_Jonnyとりあえずこの人は電車で移動したり人の多いエスカレーターに乗らないほうが良いだろうな
- @hottokokoa1027そういうのを暴露して改善していこうとする人がいるのがいいことだと思う。
- @myossy5「犯罪を犯した」を最初に付けるのなら、それでいいじゃない。人権を盾に居直る連中だっているんだから。
- @yao_tomi小佐古さん(元内閣官房参与)もそうだったけど、ドロップアウトした後の内部告発って威力あるよな。この方には期待してます。
- @Trapiche何を今更といった印象。
- @tolyicこいつは自衛の為に責任転嫁してるだけ。こんな事で検事が委縮して外人被疑者に配慮しなきゃいけない風潮になれば冤罪以上に恐い
- @tolyicその上で行き過ぎや間違いがあれば今回のようにきちんと責任を取らされる社会にしていけば良い
- @tolyicこういう仕事が何のために存在するのか、犯罪者を野放しにせず善良な市民を守る為。そこが何より優先されるべき
- @nananananasi警察や政治家と深く繋がりがある代表例がヤクザと朝鮮系の在日なわけで。警察のバック=公明=創価=朝鮮
- @solar_grass89人権の話はおいといて「検事が勝手に自白をしゃべって、それを被疑者に署名させるよう指導された」こっちの方が問題では?
- @b7af213b非国民としてまとめて扱うのは正しい 人種差別は良くないからな
- @UMAnoHONEnicoヤクザは、ともかく外人は極論だろ・・・、たしかに問題のある外国人も多いけどさ(‘A`)
- @Bleed_Kagaだいたいの893は在日中国・朝鮮人。犯罪をする外国人は中国or朝鮮人。あとは・・・わかるな?
- @taka_19682002俺も大した事を呟いていないが、ここはUstで見た呟きと大分色が異なる。
- @drkinokoru家畜に神はいない!を連想する名セリフだな…。検察改革というか一度潰して作り直さなければだめなんじゃないかとすら思う。
- @annwfn666893に人権がないのは当然だが、さすがに外国人と一括りにするのはどうかと
- @Meisou_AKつぶやきの履歴も見れるんだけど、コメントの6割方を見てると程度の低さに頭が痛くなる。
- @fuzita2003スパイ訓練されている特亜人に普通の事情聴取するほうがおかしいと思うけどね?暴露した理由が想像できる
- @dd182…まあ、少なくとも『日本人』では無い事は確か。…別の見方をすれば、そのくらいの気迫で挑まないとだめという事だ。
- @kakusanheikiなんか自分を解雇した検事に対する復讐にしか見えない。こいつの眼を見てまともだと思うならおかしい。蹴ったりしないよ。机蹴る
- @kakusanheiki生放送見てきたが・・・こいつ程度で怖いとか言う人間はマルボウにであったら死んじゃうんだるな
- @SENKICHI71これは生々しいし怖い話。市川氏の勇気ある発言を見よ。
- @mushokuchuunenヤクザには当然人権はないでしょ?不良外国人も同様です。
- @sunakuzira999こういう事もあるのか
- @ilovejpn1941犯罪者の人権は法で保護されてるのに被害者の人権は保護されないのはおかしい。
- @tomox_ht「こういうやつがいるから日本が差別の国に」って間違ってはいないが果たしてあっているのだろうか
- @moritania2009そりゃヤクザは既に犯罪者だし(でもなぜか存在する)、人権はその国の政府が国民に保証してるものだから、外国人はまた別だしな。
- @ossannzzヤメ検の言う事も当てにはならんけどな
- @Death13Zaitsev悪い事してる奴はゆるせんがみんな同じ人間なんだけどな
- @masaki_ntamパスポート見るといいよ。自分たちが外国で自分たちの安全を保障してくれているのは日本の外務省の圧力だよ
- @masaki_ntam外国人の人権を日本人が守ってやる必要はない。その国の外務省が圧力で保障するべきモノ。
- @kanenooto7248これも現実の話。
- @RICHIPPOだろうね。一朝一夕で捜査機関のこんな体質が出来上がるわけがない。そういうことは思ってもいいが言ってはいけない。
- @moringo1988なるほど、裁判官だけでなく検察官すら公正とは程遠かったわけか・・・。それを知るのに23年かかるとは思わなかったよ。
- @Nmdmnヤクザと外国人に人権はない。正解
- @kakusanheiki信じてる奴ってなんなの?自分こいつにすごまれてビビルと思う?気持ち悪くはあるがビビラないだろ人選ミス
- @nullpo8NETの情報管制と検察叩きはリンクしてます。 何より怪しげな証言だけで弾圧する姿勢はおかしい。
- @mattareコメント履歴とか見てて思うのは「裁判受ける権利」も人権だからな、と。
- @jone_uytoいや当たり前なんだが・・・
- @YoU_verTwまー。そんなもんやろ
- @han_org変わってないなあ。70年代に警察の内部資料でそういうのが表面化したことがあったけど…。 /
- @tazuna9これを聞いてもさして驚かない自分がいる。ネットが今ほど普及する以前なら「また左翼の妄言か」と一笑に付してたんだろうな・・・
- @LIQUITEX2245こいつの言ってる事が本当かどうかは怪しいけどね
- @kakusanheiki8年目のとき、自ら絶対にあってはならない暴言をはき、事件が無罪になり、辞職することになった。はい、ここ注目
- @kakusanheikiよく考えナ。外国人がだよ。こいつに脅されて恐れると思う?どうせ馬鹿にされ発狂して解雇されたから復讐に検事潰そうとしてるだけ
- @5hingo891外国人云々は取って付けたんだろう。てかこいつなんか変な宗教に染まってそうな顔つきだな
- @yossikawこれが日本です
- @kojiprohairitaiこんなのがホントにあるのか。アホすぎる。
- @applebingo0710この教育ははたしてあっているのだろうか
- @zako2kai検事「容疑者様本当の事をおっしゃって頂けませんか?」外国人はともかく犯罪の疑いがある人には、それなりの態度で臨むべきでは?
- @cyber_omame思想が差別の多かった戦中と変わらないなと思ったら顔のタイプも古かった。
- @anabisuよくやってる手口だよな、悪質な人権侵害だとTV等では言いつつも決して法的手段には出ないという本当に遭ったなら訴えろよ
- @deltastyleその教育自体もはや「正義」じゃないどころか罪があるかないかも定かではない人間に脅迫染みた自白をさせる「悪」の組織だな。
- @pomspomヤクザはともかく外国人には人権がある。ただし参政権は全く別の話しだけどね。
- @anabisuこいつは謝罪をするのに何故TVで報道されながらやったんだ?本当に詫びるつもりだったならメディアなんか要らないはずだよな
- @sayokusinjaこんな連中がいるから日本が差別国と叩かれるんだ、正しい国に戻るまで断固たたかう
- @yuel_え?当たり前のことじゃない?
- @phycho_break犯罪者の人権が被害者の人権より優遇されていいはずがない。 でも、歪んだ形での正義は冤罪を誘発するだろうね。
- @whiteboxtest「韓国の国会議員3人北方領土入り」日本政府は何してるんだ?侵略行為受けて守りもできないとは。外国人保護法だ?ふざけるな
- @unbalance_x「ヤクザと外国人に人権はないと教えられた」 元検事が暴露した驚くべき「新人教育」の実態 一般市民でもそう思ってる奴は多そうである。
- @watanabe0221関連ツイートがまた極端だなあ・・・犯罪者にだって人権はある。ただ、被害者より加害者の権利が優先されて良い訳は無い。
- @nyanyaaaaaaan犯罪者に人権が無いのは理解できなくないけどこんな教え方じゃそりゃ冤罪とかも発生するわ。
- @furisker僕は10年前から公安警察に人権を踏みにじられています。「人権侵害日記」で検索
- @bullz1213犯罪起こしたなら日本人だろうが外国人だろうが人権なんてあるわけない。至極もっともな意見だと思うけど、この人は何をいってるのENDS
20 comments on “NCN: Stunning revelation from former prosecutor on the real situation of initial training, “We were taught that yakuza and foreigners have no rights””
Today on TV (forgot which channel exactly, it was about 6PM) there was news about an investigator in Osaka, who shouted at an Ugandan, arrested for smuggling drugs:”You have no rights! You foreigners have no rights!!”. He was suspended from work,as far as I know.
I couldn’t hear the news very well, the room was pretty noisy.If someone has more details on that case, please share them.
Not sure if this will be published or not. I am a massive Debito fan and have been disturbed by the recent vitriolic comments attacking his character. In the 7-8 years I’ve resided in Japan, there has been only one website that I have consistently visited to gain updated info on the ins and outs of life in Japan – this is the site. I know that most of the readers of this site will concur that Debito is an intelligent guy – and though I’ve never met him – I’ve found his posts to be both intelligent and thoughtful. Saying that, it is my hope that Debito will check his records and put up a post regarding the endemic problem of drugs/ drink-spiking/ date-rape/ credit card fraud that I alerted him to a couple of years ago. I feel this is an issue that is slipping under the radar – and I don’t think we all need to be reminded of the outcomes of the Lucie Blackman and Carita Ridgway cases.
I can’t believe some of those twitter comments. These people must truly be warped or lack basic common sense. I feel some of the commenters have no idea what they are talking about. It’s crazy! Some were actually surprised that this former prosecutor was complaining!! They just couldn’t grasp the concept of human rights in the slightest. Simply amazing and horrifying at the same time. I have a feeling some of them must be faking it in order to get a rise out of me and others like me. Simply crazy…..
Thinking that some people have rights and some people don’t has historically been the justification for slavery.
All credit to Ishikawa, especially considering he knew he was guilty of taking part. If people like him don’t come forward in these situations, nothing ever changes. I hope his ex-colleagues don’t use his confession to suggest he was just a bad apple and prosecute him to shut him up. I hope the GOJ carries out a proper investigation and reforms. I also hope this is picked up by the foreign press.
Where are the foreigners manga lovers and otaku who sanctify Japan as the perfect world? Still busy in stalking the users of this blog?
I always thought that the yakuza were above the law.
Stopping these kinds of injustices requires fighting by the people or by reps of the people. Unfortunately, neither of both is happening in large numbers. What`s happening?
The criminal justice system in Japan is totally fucked up. The law as it’s written says you have certain rights, but like most things in Japan, it’s complete bullshit. It’s just there to look good. If anyone complains about not having any rights, the authorities just point to the written law and say “look it says right here you have the right to remain silent”, or whatever rights we’re talking about.
For example, have you ever read the law on when police can stop you? Pay particular attention to Section 2, Police Execution of Duties Law:
It’s clear that police need suspicion of criminal activity in order to stop you. Well, of all of us who’ve been stopped, were we doing anything criminally suspicious? Or how about the fact that police questioning is completely voluntary, and consent to search personal belongings is also voluntary? Well by refusing questioning or refusing a search, you are further detained for even longer. Does that sound voluntary to you? Does the written law not mean anything to these people?
Oh but if the law is on their side you can bet you’ll hear “The law is the law! No exceptions!” But if the law is on your side, nobody will be quoting the law; you’ll just hear something like “This is Japan!”
That is truly the most apalling thing I’ve ever heard. I cannot understand anyone who would want to live under such a legal regime, let alone participate in it.
This article (Japanese) reports what I think is the same incident:
外国人取り調べ暴行 「居眠りに腹立った」 巡査部長供述 府警、書類送検へ
「通訳もいる前で…」 府警幹部、衝撃と落胆
(2011年5月27日 08:36)
Given the fact that this was posted on Nico Nico Douga, the fact that the commentators are using Twitter and the fact that many of the avatars are of characters from various medias such as the popular animes (Ika Musume, Haruhi, ect seen above), music (Hatsune Miku avatar above) and video games (Komeiji Koishi from one of the Touhou games seen as avatar above) one might be able to guess that these comments are from people ranging from 15-30. Really sad when you consider what some of them are saying.
> The union leader had been indicted … but was found not guilty based on refusal to accept the confession was voluntary.
Wow. There must have been some kind of miracle or divine intervention. I didn’t think that was even possible.
Well, congrats to this guy for exposing everything. The fact that it is being exposed is a sign that progress is being made.
He is a very brave man, and he will make many enemies in
the establishment for it.
As for me, it only makes me feel more comfortable in my decision to leave Japan. My wife and I are out of here as soon as I finish my post-grad qualifications at the end of this year.
When the Uni I work for ask me why, I’ll be sure to email them this article among others.
@Sean, join the club. In many ways, Japan is still a third world country with a fresh coat of paint…. A coat of paint that went on in the 1980’s to meet the fashion of Japan going “global” but that paint is fading fast. The globalism was only ever one-way except in the most minor and utterly superficial, self-serving dimensions. And now those left there post-bubble, post rise of China, and post nuclear meltdown, have to convince themselves that the dog shit they are eating is ACTUALLY chocolate pudding. According to the lemming mentality out there that they buy into so as to keep their sanity, it’s JAPANESE chocolate pudding and that’s why it tastes different. It doesn’t taste bad. Just different. IT’S BETTER!!! Japanese people LIKE pudding to taste like fecal matter. So do foreigners who live there. And anyone who thinks differently is a racist. How dare they say Japanese pudding is actually dog shit? Everyone knows American pudding is too sweet anyway. Too much sugar. That’s why Americans are fat. They should eat fecal flavor chocolate pudding like the rest of us because it is BETTER. Aren’t they so stupid? Much healthier. Yummmy. Open your mouth and say ahhhh. Good boys and girls. Oishii deshou?! Or should it be rather: Oy! Shiiiiii(to) desuyo! LOL For avoidance of doubt, I wish it weren’t so. I really do. My kids are Japanese. I have Japanese nationality. But hello! Reality check! Many of my more enlightened Japanese friends are getting out of dodge too. I think I might become an immigration lawyer when I get out of law school. The Japan business will be absolutely BOOMING.
I would concur with your assessment. I have only been to Japan once, just a few weeks ago, and I was very surprised that the majority of racial harassment I got came from the younger people. I expected middle-aged to older people to treat me that way, but that wasn’t the case. One older guy came up to my group, grabbed my Japanese friend by the arm and asked her if we were following her. Of COURSE we were following her, she was our guide!!! But on the trains, it was mostly young women getting up and moving away as if I was infectious or something.
I did have the unfortunate experience of a chikan on the train too. *sigh*
Human rights aside, I was particularly disparaged by the notion that they think it is business as usual to outright lie to suspects. Even more troubling is that I’m sure this happens in other countries as well.
Excellent, Excellent, Excellent words! You recognize something that’s wrong with this movement. In reality, the lack of strong opposition to human rights abuses make Japanese Officials think foreigners don’t need the Right they’re whinning about. The day will come when foreigners stand up, and I hope I’m alive to be in that number.
Foreigners and Yakuza have no rights in Japan, but there is another group that must be added to that list in Japan and that’s children. Please see some of Debito’s other pages as to why.
This story is not at all unexpected. It is something that almost anyone who has lived here for any length of time knows instinctively.
There are many Twitter comments that I found distasteful of downright nasty – comments comparing foreigners to yakusa not least among them. Unfortunately these are the voices that usually remain silent in the presence of foreigners.
I appreciate the few (very very few) voices of reason among the Japanese posters on Twitter. Unfortunately, if they were to try to discuss the issue logically with other Japanese in any setting they would probably be lynched. Having the guts to stand up against a culture that encourages and expects Japanese to be treated better that Foreigners is a bold and courageous move. Some of the posters even threaten physical harm to Mr. Ishikawa (however cowardly and indirectly).
Until Japanese who have a more enlightened view of foreigners start to speak up amid the din of racist slander and propoganda nothing will change. After all, who’s going to listen to a foreigner?
I’ll refer you to a blog entry that I wrote a while ago… you can look at some of the interesting responses to it, too. …