BLOG BIZ: Vacationing for a few weeks for the Summer


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Hi Blog.  It’s that time of the year again in the Northern Hemisphere, when people are supposed to go out and enjoy the delightful (if hot) weather (or in any case take a vacation).  I’ll do the same for for a few weeks (excepting the days my next Japan Times JBC column comes out).  I’ll be a little slow on approving comments, so please be patient.  Enjoy the rest of August and into September!  Arudou Debito

2 comments on “BLOG BIZ: Vacationing for a few weeks for the Summer

  • I just found your web blog while searching for info about divorce……need I say more?:-) I bet you haven’t visited that page in a long time, right? So, I have to find out about filing in the US after the divorce is completed in Japan (soon). Any links? We got married in the US. Is it just going to the state web link?
    Regards, Thomas

    — Probably. Requirements for marriage and divorce differ from state to state in the US.

  • In order to find out what to do next, please contact the US Consulate first. I take it, you have lived in Japan, when the divorce was finalized. You need to have the divorce recognized stateside. If the marriage has never been registered stateside in the first place, there will be no need to take further action. But as I said, the US Consulate will know more… 😉


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