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Hi Blog. In what has been a busy week (two speeches and some other public get-togethers), I’m capping it off with yet another speech back in Hokkaido this coming Monday. Then an article in the Japan Times on Tuesday, but I’ll let you more about that tomorrow. Here are the details on the Hokkaido speech. Arudou Debito
English Lecture Series #3
The Otaru Onsens Case-Ten Years On
Arudou Debito
Monday December 6th, 2010
4:30 p.m. Room 370
Sponsored by Otaru Shoudai
Did you know that Otaru once had onsens that said “Japanese Only”? They not only refused entry to non-Japanese residents, but also Japanese people with foreign roots, and even a naturalized Japanese citizen. Ten years later, what has changed? Come hear Arudou Debito speak about it.
UPDATE: The entire speech in English (as it is a lecture series in English sponsored by the university for language students and exchange students) is now available for view in several parts at the Otaru Shoudai Channel on YouTube. Have a look. Links to parts one through five visible from
2 comments on “Speaking at Otaru Shoudai Mon Dec 6: “The Otaru Onsens Case, 10 Years On””
Hello Mr.Arudou
I’m one of the Japanese students who listened to your presentation at otaru university.
Thank you for your very interesting presentation. It was really informative, easy to understand and entertaining.
Your presentation made me come up with a few questions; what should japanese government do to deal with this issue? and what made this onsen issue happen? and does the Japanese hate foreigners? I will think about those questions.
I thought Japan should make a low against racial discrimination but I think it’ll take a lot of time because the Japanese don’t try to accept changes. Until the majority of the citizens seriously start to think about foreigners and naturalized citizens living in Japan, making a law seems difficult.
Even I often see foreign students in the university, I’ve never thought about the problem you talked about. It’s about time for all Japanese deeply think about foreigners and naturalized citizens, considering aging population combined with the diminishing number of children.
Thank you very much again for your wonderful presentation.
— Thank you for commenting back! Glad you enjoyed it!
UPDATE: The entire speech in English (as it is a lecture series in English sponsored by the university for language students and exchange students) is now available for view in several parts at the Otaru Shoudai Channel on YouTube. Have a look. Links to parts one through six visible from